Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
Vote Susanna for the Texas First Court of Appeals, Place 9
About Quote Shape

I attack ideas.
I don’t attack people...

[S]ome very good people have some very bad ideas. … And if you can’t separate the two, you gotta get another day job. You don’t want to be a judge.”

– Antonin Scalia

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Wisdom and Experience

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As a Texas lawyer for over two decades, Susanna has served in all three branches of government, including as an Assistant Solicitor General of Texas, as Special Counsel to the US Senate Judiciary Committee, and as a law clerk to the Honorable Jerry Smith on the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Today, Susanna leads a team of attorneys as Special Counsel in the Texas Attorney General’s office. Key matters include the successful defense of SB 1750, which eliminated the Harris County elections administrator, the defense of HB 2127, the “Death Star” preemption case, and various immigration cases against the federal government.

As partner or counsel in four law firms, Susanna has represented clients in a wide range of litigation and advisory matters involving constitutional law, contracts, intellectual property, employment, banking, and corporate governance. Representative matters include helping a Texas company prove that a Fortune 500 company misappropriated its trade secrets, and recovering funds for a convention organizer in connection with a COVID-19 shutdown.

A Commitment to the Rule of Law

Susanna has published extensively about the role of the courts and the rule of law, including articles in the Houston Chronicle, the Washington Times, and American Enterprise. She has also led events throughout Harris County educating community leaders about the importance of the rule of law and how to evaluate judicial candidates.

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A Commitment to Judicial Independence

Susanna knows that judges must decide cases based on the law and facts before the court. In the words of Justice Felix Frankfurter, “there can be no free society without law administered through an independent judiciary.” Judges must be independent as well as impartial for the rule of law to flourish and benefit all citizens in a free society.

A Commitment to Texas

Susanna, a fifth-generation Texan, has dedicated herself to promoting constitutional governance in the Lone Star State. In addition to numerous publications, she has created community education programs on the importance of the rule of law, teaching everyday citizens how to evaluate judicial candidates. Susanna has also helped safeguard the integrity of our electoral process as an attorney responsible for legal compliance. For example, she has reviewed and rejected proposed campaign materials having insufficient basis in fact, and has advised both for and against potential legal claims based on the evidence and the law.  As a judge, Susanna will likewise protect the judicial system by fairly applying the law and the principles of Justice Beyond Politics.

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Charles Blain
Charles Blain,
President of Urban Reform Institute

Having worked closely with Susanna Dokupil, her tireless advocacy for rule of law and justice beyond politics is inspiring and much-needed in our courts today. I fully endorse Susanna Dokupil for the crucial role of the Texas Court of Appeals and encourage everyone to vote for her this November.

Eric Sidle
Eric Sidle,
former Chief Technology Officer of ChargePoint

Susanna Dokupil embodies the values we need in a judge:  impartiality, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to constitutional justice.  I’m proud to support Susanna because I know she will work to keep our courts free from political influence.

Justice Michael
Michael Massengale
former Justice

As a former Justice on the Court of Appeals, I understand the importance of integrity, impartiality, and rule of law. I endorse Susanna Dokupil and encourage voters to support her in November.

Marco A. Roberts
Marco A. Roberts,
Chairman of the Texas Conservative Liberty Forum

Having co-authored several articles with Susanna Dokupil, I know that she has a firm foundational understanding of how our law protects the rights and freedoms of all Texans, regardless of who they are, their background, or their personal beliefs. I fully endorse Susanna Dokupil for the First Court of Appeals.

Marco A. Roberts
Jacquie Baly,
Chair, Harris County Women's Commission

I've had the privilege of knowing Susanna for over 20 years. She is not only highly intelligent but also thoughtful and balanced in her approach. I have full confidence that Susanna will be a champion for justice and a strong advocate for safer communities.